My Advice to You Linky Party

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I'm linking up with Ms. Fultz's Corner to share some advice.  This is my 14th year (5 in pull-out resource, and my 9th in self-contained) teaching and I learn something numerous new things every year.  My advice is  more along the lines of what I have learned over the years so maybe you can avoid some of the pitfalls that I found.

1.  You must be flexible.  Whether it's in your classroom teaching a lesson, working out a scheduling conflict with a coworker, or the trends in education, we are always changing.  I've learned it's ok to stop a lesson that is failing and start over or try something completely different right in the middle of my lesson.  Students don't always learn in the manner that we predict or they don't have all of the skills that we thought they had.  So, be flexible and try something else.  It's ok to scrap a failing lesson.

As a sped teacher, I have to work with almost every other teacher in my building at some point and there are always scheduling conflicts.  I've found the saying, "You catch more flies with honey." to be true.  If both sides are willing to give a little, the child benefits and that's the reason we are here to begin with.

As we all know, education is constantly changing.  We have to be flexible or be left behind.  We have to change our teaching methods, content, and test prep every time we turn around.  As technology continues to evolve, we must evolve to keep up and prepare our students.

2.  It's ok to ask for help.  We all need help so find someone who has been through it before and see how they handled it.  There are plenty of experts in your building if you are willing to listen.  An expert is not always the teacher who has taught 20+ years. It is sometimes the first year teacher.  I often go to the youngest teachers when I have a technology question.  They know more about it and bbunderstand it in a way that I have to work at.

3.  Have fun.  Love your job.  If you love your job, you will be much happier and effective.  That also means you have to take time for yourself so that you can recharge.  The most effective teachers are the ones that are the most well-rounded and have a life outside of school.

4.  Love your kiddos.  You are the only nice, amazing, kind, beautiful, and intelligent person many of your students will ever know.  Get to know your students.  Find out about their lives.  Hug them everyday.  Find something good in each child everyday.  "Be the difference you want to see in the world."

On another note, the fundraiser for my friend's son is still going on.  If you donate a minimum of $25, you will receive over $160 worth of teacher materials. (k-3)  Click the picture to learn more and go to the donation page.  I would greatly appreciate any pinning/sharing of this fundraiser.
