Such a wonderful surprise....

I came home to a wonderful surprise this evening!  I found a super-sweet comment from Kara at Sped-venture! (Don't you just love the name of her blog?!)  I found out I received the Versatile Blogger Award! I feel so honored to be a part of this awesome community of teacher-bloggers! Make sure you check her blog out!

The rules for the award go like this:

-Thank the person who gave you the award:
Thank you so much Kara from Sped-Ventures!  I love meeting other special education teachers!

-Tell seven random things about yourself:

1.  I am married to a wonderful man, who is also a teacher and we have two amazing daughters. They are 4 and just turned 6.  They keep us very busy and entertained.  I can't imagine my life without them!
2.  I want to get my masters from Full Sail Education Media Design & Technology.  How cool would it be to learn how to create your own education apps to review/practice the standards you are teaching in your class?  Kids are such tech junkies and would love to spend time on the ipod/ipad.  

3. I love to read blogs.  I get sucked in and an hour magically disappears!
4.  I am also addicted to Pinterest.  (Again, I sit down and an hour disappears.)
5.  I wish I could teach in house shoes everyday.  I hate shoes.
6.  I love chocolate and mountain dew!  The more stressed I am, the more I consume.  Not a good example for the kids.
7.  I have been teaching for 13 years, and I still love it.  I love the kids.  They make me smile.   I love it when they make connections to learning and "get it".

-And then, give the award to some newly discovered blogs! Check out these great blogs!  They always have a ton of freebies to share!
