Seven Things About Me

Teacher Mum has awarded me a Versatile Blogger Award. I am so excited!  I can't believe that others are interested in my blog.  Teacher Mum is also a special ed teacher and her blog has practical tips on teaching and motherhood.  

 The Rules after accepting the Versatile Blogger Award are:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.

  • Share 7 things about yourself

  • Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs. 

 Here we go – seven things about myself that you might not know already.
1.  I am the mother of 2 beautiful daughters and a wife to a pretty amazing guy.  My oldest daughter started kindergarten this year and my baby will start kindergarten next August.  (I can't believe how quickly time has flown!)
2.  I love, love, LOVE chocolate and coke, but since I am currently recovering from a kidney stone removal procedure, I can't have either at the moment. :-(  (I think I feel sorrier for my husband and kids!)
3.  I love to quilt.  My favorites are for new babies.  I love the quiet therapy of sitting at my sewing machine.  I wish I had more time for it.
4.  I also love to read.  My new favorite author is Torey Hayden.  She writes nonfiction books based on her experience woking with children in special education.  Her students suffer from various disabilities and most have severe emotional issues.  If you ever want an idea of what special education teachers do on a daily basis, read her books.  You will either love it, or find your nearest special ed teacher and give them a giant hug for all of the things we do that are not "standards based."
5.  I wish I could teach in house shoes.  If I could get away with it, I would never take them off!
6.  I teach in an arts integrated school and love it.  I have no artistic ability at all, but that doesn't stop me!  Since our school changed our philosophy and began integrating the arts into the core curriculum, the students have made amazing progress in all areas.  The special education students have probably made the most significant gains of anyone!  In the last 3 years, I have been able to move 4 students out of my self-contained class back into the regular program with only a few hours (less than 5) of resource support a week.
7.  I am a tv junkie.  I love watching mindless sitcoms!  It's a great way to destress and relax a bit before I can crash out and sleep.
I am passing this award on to the following blogs.  Hop on over and check them out!  Most offer free teaching resources!
4. Kinderglynn

5. Mrs. Rachel's Room  

6.  Mrs. Willis Kindergarten

7.  2nd Graders Rock

8.  Education Helper

9.  The Wise Owl Factory

10.  Ashleigh's Education Journey

11.  The Teched Out Teacher

12.  Minds in Bloom

13.  Smarty Pants Teaching Resources

14.  Vintage Teacher

15.  Runde's Room
