During my student teaching experience, I was working at a Title I school with about 1000 kids in it. It was my second or third week at this placement in a special education pull-out program when my mentor teacher called in sick. Instead of hiring a sub, I got to take over for the day. The day went from bad to worse after I realized there weren't any sub plans for me to use. I was taking my first group back to their homerooms, when one of my students ran down the hall and pulled the fire alarm. We had to evacuate the entire building and wait over half an hour while the entire school was searched to make sure everything was ok. I was so horrified that I spent the next half hour crying in the bathroom. When I finally got myself together, I continued on with the schedule. It seemed like every group I had that day, someone was crying. It was the longest day ever. I survived it and it's never happened since!
A few years ago, I had a little girl in my class who had an accident on herself. I sent her to the bathroom with a handful of baby wipes and told her to clean herself. I went back to class since she was independent in the bathroom. A few minutes later, the little girl came back to class and tried to hand me her used wipes! Thankfully, I didn't automatically take what she was handing me and sent her back to the bathroom to wash again!
Teaching special ed is a challenge, but I absolutely love the kids in my class. They teach me to look at the world in a different way and to appreciate all that I have been blessed with.
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